
Monday, July 11, 2005

Big Brother Getting Bigger? 

Some things don't mix. Oil nd water come to mind. Some things ought not be allowed to mix. Drinking and driving, for example.

So how about this hook-up? Choicepoint and the IRS.

Choicepoint, as most news readers know, from stories such as this one, is a data gathering enterprise that became (in)famous after the personal and confidential records hundreds of thousands of indiividuals were stolen from the company's computers. Now along come the IRS, according to reports such as this one, which awards a 5-year contract to Choicepoint to run IRS data batch processes. The contract could amount to as much as $20 million.

Isn't this nice? Get lax with security, put other people's data, identity and even lives at risk, and be rewarded with a government contract. This suggests that the IRS managers who entered into the arrangement didn't think there was anyone else out there who could be better at what counts, at least not at the specified price.

Fortunately, members of Congress have jumped in to criticize and even attempt to stop the implementation of the contract. Senator Patrick Leahy, joined by Senator Arlen Specter, in a bipartisan effort, has called for a review of the contract to ensure that taxpayer data and privacy are protected. Representative Ed Markey, using a nice word twist, pointed out that the contract left taxpayers with no choice about the destination and spread of their data.

The IRS responded by ordering a full review of the contract. Considering what's at stake and Choicepoint's track record, it had best be a thorough review. I doubt a confirmation of the contract will sit well with people, especially those whose lives have been inconvenienced and ruined by the "make profits at others' expense" philosophy of most big business enterprises.

Other than pressure their legislators, what can taxpayers do? Not much. So, as usual, this falls back on the Congress. It writes the tax laws. It created the IRS. It appropriates tax dollars to the IRS. So it had best do its duty.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Apostille II 

No sooner had I posted my "discovery" of the apostille, both word and process, than the English major and expert of the family sent this:
What is an apostille?
An apostille is a special seal applied by an authority to certify that a document is a true [sic] copies of an original. Apostilles are available in countries, which signed the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents, popularly known as The Hague Convention. This convention, created in 1961, replaces the time consuming chain certification process used so far, where you had to go to four different authorities to get a document certified.
wordinfoap-, aph- (Greek: from, away from, asunder, separate, separation from, derived from; used as a prefix).
wordinfotill- (Greek: to pluck, tear, pull).
So kudos to my sister for digging this up. And thanks. I don't think I would have guessed a Greek origin.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


One never knows when one will learn something new. For me, this time, it was during a visit with one of my cousins, retired from the diplomatic corps. We were discussing estate planning, and the fact that Portugal, where he owns a property does not "understand" or recognize the trust. The lawyer in Portugal needed some documents, including some tax papers, and they had to be certified.

Once upon a time it worked as follows. Let's assume a county tax document. The document was taken to the county court house, where the clerk certified the document. Then it was forwarded to a state official, who certified that the certifying county clerk was indeed who he or she claimed to be. Then this was forwarded to the state's Department of State, which certified the authenticity of the state official's certification. Then it went, if I am remembering this correctly, to the U.S. State Department, which certified it to the other country's consulate or embassy, and then it made its way to the lawyer in the other country.

Fortunately, the U.S. entered into a treaty that streamlined the process. It calls for something called an APOSTILLE. No, not apostle. After I left, my cousin sent me the link to this explanation of an apostille.

Perhaps you knew about this. I didn't. I've learned some law. So, if you ever need to certify a tax or other document to another country, that's how it's done.

The word apparently is both a noun and a verb. At least it is used as a verb on that web site. Imagine if I used it playing Scrabble. I would be challenged. So would you. Now you have proof it's not a figment of your imagination. According to Webster's, it is a noun, not a verb, and it means " marginal note on a letter or other paper; an annotation". Look at the Webster's site for all sorts of trivia about the word. But I haven't found the origin of the word.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Independence, Taxes, and Homeownership 

It's almost Independence Day. It's a day that means a lot of things to a lot of people. We have opportunities unlike those available to most people in the world. For example, what percent of the world's adults own their own home? In some countries, private home ownership is rare or reserved for a privileged few. Sometimes it's economics, but usually it's politics. And often when it is economics, it's really politics in disguise.

That's why the following response to my post several weeks ago on Home Price Sticker Shock is appropriate at the moment. Dave Harmon wrote:
Here in NYC, the housing boom is driving gentrification (bye-bye, Bowery) and pricing the middle class out of town. It was already messing with the demographics and social structure -- especially, police officers either can't afford to live in the communities they serve, or don't dare to (in the slums). Note that the slums are part of the same problem: these are places where the landlords can't score "enough" money from rent, so they don't bother with maintenance, let alone investment. They just wait for the developers to come along and buy them out, often with subsidies from the same City Hall that couldn't be bothered to deal with the neglect. I'm sure there are tax issues in there, but mostly it's just power politics.... ;-(
Well, there is tax in this, from the beneficial impact of the real estate property tax deduction and the home mortgage interest deduction on home ownership, to the debilitating impact of rapidly rising local property taxes on continued ownership by citizens on fixed incomes, to the variety of incentives, gimmicks, and other control features woven into state and local tax law. If housing prices contine to escalate, and of course the question is whether they will, the tradition of private home ownership by the majority of citizens, nurtured and strengthened by American political and socio-economic characteristics, will be in jeopardy.

Why is this so important? I think "pride of ownership" extends beyond care of the home to care of the community. Home owners have an investment flavored wth an emotional attachment not found in other investments (except, perhaps, cars, jewelry and collectibles). There are many freedoms in independence. Homeownership reflects one.

Happy Independence Day.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Taxing Traffic? 

This traffic backup/tieup simulator is VERY cool. Run the uphill grade variant and decide if the truck in the left land should be charged an "unwarranted use of left lane for passing beyond capability of truck engine" user fee. The technology exists to do this. Note that in the simulations there are no accidents, bad weather, etc. I was clued into this by a tax faculty colleague. Who says tax profs aren't forward thinking and capable of spotting the cool stuff?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Save Some Energy to Learn More New Tax Law 

A little more than a week ago I posted a summary and critique of the energy bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee. Today it passed the Senate, 85-12. I guess my thoughts were influential n D.C. NOT!

Many practitioners tell me that they don't focus on pending legislation because it could turn out to be a wasted investment of precious time. That makes sense, to a point. Perhaps if these things got more attention on the public radar we would see better legislation. Then again, perhaps not. Dave Harmon wrote to me, in response to my critique:
What ever made you think that the energy bill was intended to *help* our energy situation? ;-) Our current administration has a pattern of passing bills and laws that actively interfere with whatever they claim to be protecting or encouraging. "Patriot Act" undermines the Constitution, "Defense of Marriage" would keep (same-sex) people from getting married, "No Child Left Behind" attacks the school systems, "CAN-SPAM" requires you to respond to spammers to (supposedly) get off their lists, and so on ad nauseum.And don't get me started on the Department of Homeland (In-)Security!
Although on some of these issues disageement divides the nation, on others it's almost unanimous: Congress does exactly the opposite of what should be done to accomplish what almost everyone agrees ought to be done. Who welcomes spam? Yet why confirm email addresses as Congress provided? Who wants higher energy costs? Yet who, ultimately, will pay the $11 billion cost of the energy bill, if enacted?

And yes, practitioners, clear some room on your "learn more tax law" calendar. This one's on its way.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Tax Fashion Getting Out of Hand? 

My recent post on Taxes, Fashion Sense, and the Internet brought some additional information from Dave Harmon: Apparently Cafe Press will put a customer-provided picture or logo (within limits, I suppose) on t-shirts, mugs, whatever). So.... the possibilities of a MauledAgain mug/t-shirt/keychain endeavor is more than an idle threat. As in quip of a month ago:
My children must be glad they're of legal age. No fear that Dad will crank up some MauledAgain t-shirts for them to wear. Hmm. Wait a minute. MY kids would jump at the idea.
So why am I out looking for souvenirs when I could order them up from home.

But... still don't have a logo. Maybe a hammer (maul, get it>) with IRC on the handle coming down on my head?

Sunday, June 26, 2005

More on the News Feed 

In response to my announcement that I had put a FeedBurner newsfeed link on the blog, Raj A Kapadia of Mumbai, India, who reads the blog regularly, sent me this news:
Actually, everyone who has a blog on Blogger also gets an Atom NewsFeed, the URL of which is <(URL of the Blog)/atom.xml>. Thus, the URL of the Atom NewsFeed of your Blog is http://mauledagain.blogspot.com/atom.xml. I SHOULD KNOW - I AM SUBSCRIBED TO THAT FEED SINCE THE PAST FEW MONTHS !!
So, again, I learned something. Thanks, Raj.

It leaves me, though, with two questions. I've tried to research an answer to the first but had no success. Haven't tried to figure out the second.

1. How can I find out how many people have news feed subscriptions to the blog? Would that require aggregating statistics from each of the news feed subscription sites?

2. If I post something, and then change it (usually because of typos, sloppy HTML, or experimental HTML that ends up ugly), does the feed get replaced? Does a new feed go out each time I update the post? The one I just did on the tax charts was reposted three times until I could get the HTML the way I wanted it. If it refeeds each time, goodness, it's giving literally meaning to "MauledAgain," hahaha.

So, anyhow, there's a second news feed source for those who are interested in subscribing to the blog.

A Good Job of Picturing Tax 

What's going on here? A Saturday post. A Sunday post. Yes, indeed, it's the summer schedule.

I'd like to bring to your attention a very interesting and useful tax resouce on the web that should be of interest to practitioners, tax law professors, and law students. It's the Andrew Mitchel LLC - International Tax Services web site, particularly the two resouces, Charts of Tax Cases and Reorganization Charts. Andrew, who combines an LL.M. and CPA and practices in Connecticut, specializes in international tax. Of course, because one cannot dig into that area of tax without understanding basic tax, corporate tax, and some other areas, Andrew, like the rest of us, worked through a variety of corporate tax cases and the reorganization provisions. And like many of us, he chose to design visualizations of the transactions. Charts, graphs, pictures, anything that appeals to the eye can be a great help in understanding tax law. That's the case here. As many of you know, I'm a very visually-focused person. That's why creating Powerpoint slides for my courses was a snap.... I had been drawing the pictures on the blackboard. Trust me, the Powerpoint visuals are MUCH more legible.

As I tell my students, there's no point in getting into black letter law until one understands the facts. Understanding the transaction often is the chief stumbling block for a tax student, and, of course, for many tax practitioners and judges. Missing facts, distorted facts, unclear facts, all contribute to confusion. "Mapping out" the facts, whether in a chart, matrix, process flow, Venn diagram, or other graphic representation, is essential.

So, take a look, and if you think one or another of Andrew's charts helps, let him know. And if you're thinking of using them beyond your own eyes, ask him permission. As an author, creator, and programmer, I can state unequivocally that he will be most appreciative. And I'm confident he'll be of help in your goals.

Here's what he has in his still-growing collection. Oh, I'm sure he'd welcome some sharing in reverse. Hey, anything that makes digging through tax transactions easier gets my vote.

Charts of Tax Cases

1. Atlas Tool - (D reorganization with boot)

2. Bhada - (Inversion via 351)

3. Chapman - (B reorganization)

4. Court Holding - (Conduit Seller)

5. Davant - (D reorganization with Strawman)

6. Davis - (section 302 - redemption of preferred stock)

7. Esmark - (Tender offer followed by in-kind redemption)

8. Gregory v. Helvering - (Seminal Case on Form vs. Substance)

9. Intermountain Lumber (Busted 351 exchange)

10. King Enterprises - (Two-step Merger)

11. Morris Trust - (Spin-off followed by merger of Distributing)

12. Plantation Patterns - (Guarantor of debt treated as borrower)

13. Smothers - (Liquidation-reincorporation)

14. TSN Liquidating - (Pre-sale distribution)

15. Waterman Steamship - (Pre-sale distribution)

16. Yoc Heating - (pre-section 338 QSP followed by failed reorganization)

17. Zenz v. Quinlivan - (Part sale / part redemption)

18. Rev. Rul. 67-274 - (Purported B reorg plus Target liquidation is a C reorg)

Reorganization Charts

1. A Reorganization

2. B Reorganization

3. C Reorganization

4. D Reorganization (acquisitive - i.e., not a 355 type transaction)

5. A Reorganization with a drop-down

6. B Reorganization with a drop-down

7. C Reorganization with a drop-down

8. D Reorganization with a drop-down

9. Forward Triangular Merger

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Taxes, Fashion Sense, and the Internet 

Perhaps this is one of the great contributions of the internet to culture. Someone has an idea, and it can be shared with the world in the blink of an eye.

Take a look at this merchandising site. Click on any one of the apparel items and then click on the "Click to enlarge" link so that you can read what it says.

Then think.....

Someone came up with the idea.

Someone manufactures the items.

People are buying the items.

People are wearing the items.

It's all the talk of the ABA-TAX listserve, and it's just been posted to the tax law professors' list. It's spreading faster than bad tax legislation.

Understand, I have, so I am told, no fashion sense. I manage to remember that I am a "winter" and should stick with jewel tone colors. That's why you see me (if you see me) in plain black, navy blue, and the like.

Yet even I know that wearing one of these to a party isn't going to trigger conversation with folks suddenly curious about the tax adventures of a blogging law professor, or the fashion mishaps of a tax blogger. I have a feeling that there is ONE of these items in existence that says on the back "I INVENTED THIS" and that is the direction in which all the folks at the party will head for invigorating conversations. Entrepreneurs... they'll do it every time.

OK, so I'm annoyed I didn't come up with the idea. Even if I had, I don't think I'd be wearing it. Unless, of course, someone paid me $500,000. On principles of fashion, I can compromise. For $500,000. Sure.

Friday, June 24, 2005

The Summertime of Tax 

Summer officially began several days ago. At least for the astronomers, climatologists, weather forecasters, and anyone paying attention to the length of the day. For me, it begins today. Why? After all, classes have been done for 7 weeks ago, grades were turned in (by me) more than a month ago, graduation was a month ago, and grades were distributed to students two weeks ago. Summer begins today, for me, because yesterday was the last scheduled faculty meeting (though at the last minute it did not happen), I have prepared my fall courses (except for the things that cannot and should not be done until August, such as configuring some of the technology, making updates to reflect relevant tax law changes popping up during the next 6 weeks, possibly changing from infrared to wireless student response pads ("clickers"), and printing out what needs to be printed for the course), I have reached a natural breakpoint in the revision of Tax Management Portfolio 505, and I have finished the semi-annual archiving of email. Oh, and I tidied up the office, to the point where I could wash down the desktops and one can now see more open space on the desk and tables than not.

This means that during the next 6 weeks my posting will be irregular rather than the Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and occasional other day pattern into which it had slipped. With the arrival of summer, my patterns change and I won't necessarily be at a computer on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Indeed, it is almost certain I won't be. But I'll show up at unannounced times, share some thoughts, and then disappear again for a couple of days.

I know many of you stop by regularly to see what I've added, and that irregular posting makes that a chore. So, I've added a feature to the blog. I was inspired to do this when an ABA-TAX listserve participant asked me how to subscribe to MauledAgain. Once I got the "he wants to BUY a subscription, what has happened to him?" momentary shock out of my mind, I realized what he was describing. News feeds. I knew they existed, I hadn't done much with them, and yet I realized that it was only a matter of time. So the time has arrived. If you use a news reader you can click on the news feed icon on this blog, and set up your news reader to automatically show a posting when something gets posted to MauledAgain. If you don't use a news reader but want to use one, the folks at Blogger and at FeedBurner recommend FeedDemon. I'm sure there are other news readers available that would meet your needs.

Anyhow, I'd be most appreciative if someone using a news reader tries this and lets me know if it works. At the moment, all has been set up and in theory it should operate, but you know how I distrust relying on untested theory. And I'm not content trying it myself when the point is to have it work properly for others.

On a slightly different note, you may enjoy a story passed along to me by a non-blogging colleague. According to this ABA Journal e-report, it is likely that a lawyer's blog that contains advertising content or otherwise invites readers to use the lawyers services would constitute advertising and be subject to the state rules regulating lawyer advertising. That's not surprising or unreasonable. The catch is that in at least one state, Kentucky, a lawyer must pay a $50 fee each time he or she issues advertising. The Kentucky Attorneys' Advertising Commission is studying the question of whether a $50 fee must be paid each time the lawyer posts to the blog. Yikes, that would bankrupt me! Interestingly, the lawyer who noticed the issue is the former chief bar counsel for the Kentucky Bar Association, and he thinks the reason the issue is just now hitting the radar is that he may be the first lawyer in Kentucky to have a blog. Wow. His blog, incidentally, is well worth a visit; after all, it's the Legal Ethics blog, by Ben Cowgill. His "what? $50" story spread through the Internet like lightning. I'm just a wee bit slow catching up to it.

That's all for now. Another sign that it is officially summer is that tax news doesn't come in the torrents that characterize fall, when Congress faces deadlines for enacting legislation, winter, when thoughts turn to the tax filing season, and spring, when everyone, it seems, is writing something about tax as April 15 looms. But I have a few things on the back burner, including thoughts about the latest failure in the continuing saga of the attempt to repeal the antiquated Philadelphia gross receipts tax, the current chapter of which is not yet complete.

Back next week.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sole Proprietorship as Corporation? 

Sometimes the simplest of tax questions can trigger the most complex of discussions.

The question put to the ABA-TAX listserve was simple. Can a sole proprietor elect, under the check-the-box regulations, to be treated as a corporation for federal tax purposes? The question was raised by someone who attended a CPE session, was told that a sole proprietorship COULD elect to be treated as a corporation, and who had trouble, understandably, accepting the correctness of the statement.

Those voicing an opinion offered all sorts of rationales and explanations to support one or the other of the championed answers. How could that be? A look at the check-the-box regulations reveals not only the absence of any statement addressing the question directly, but also the absence of definition of organization.

The definition of organization is critical because the check-the-box regulations, and almost every flow-chart portraying their rules, begin analysis with the existence of an organization. If there is an organization, , then the door is open to deciding if it will be a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or division of a corporation for federal tax purposes.

The regulations technically begin by stating that they apply for purposes of determining "the classification of various organizations" and specify that "whether an organization is an entity separate from its owners for federal tax purposes is a matter of federal tax law and does not depend on whether the organization is recognized as an entity under local law."

The next logical step would be to define organization. But the regulations don't do that. Instead, they proceed to identify certain "joint undertakings" (such as joint ventures and other contractual arrangements) that "may" create a separate entity for federal tax purposes. They do, if the participants in the undertaking carry on a trade, business, financial operation, or venture and divide the profits from it.

So are the regulations saying, in effect, "In addition to organizations, which may or may not be treated as separate entities for federal tax purposes, certain ventures and arrangements that are not organizations may qualify as separate entities for federal income tax purposes"? In other words, do the regulations provide that an entity can exist even though there is no organization?

The regulations then kick out of the analysis certain organizations out of the analysis. Presumably, there is no question that they are organizations. Thus, organizations wholly owned by a state aren't recognized as separate entities. Considering that states are tax-exempt, this is not an earth-shattering conclusion. Certain Indian tribes are treated as not being entities.

The regulations then point out, specifically, that organizations with a single owner can choose to be recognized or disregarded as entities separate from the owner. Of course, what first comes to mind is the single-member LLC, which is disregarded as an entity (and thus treated either as a sole proprietorship or as a division of a corporation depending on whether the owner is an individual or corporation) unless it elects to be treated as a corporation.

But the fascinating question is this: Is a sole proprietorship an "organization"? If so, it is a single-owner organization and can follow the same path down the flow-chart or through the analysis as does a single-member LLC.

The regulations then push aside organizations that have separate, special treatment under the Code. For example, a REMIC is an organization (or so one can presume), but it is a REMIC and not a partnership, corporation, trust, sole proprietorship, or division of a corporation.

One would expect the next rule to be "An organization is treated as a separate entity if...." but that's not where the regulations go. Instead, on the assumption that organizations treated as separate entities have been identified, the regulations state that "the classification of organizations that are recognized as separate entities is determined under" specified sections of the regulations. Technically, that makes no sense, because it is under one of those specified regulations that a single-member LLC (presumably an organization) is disregarded and NOT recognized as a separate entity. Literally, the provision that treats a single-member LLC as a disregarded (and not separate) entity is in a Regulations provision that one doesn't reach unless one is dealing with an "organization recognized as a separate entity." I'm beginning to wonder what the flow chart used by the regulations drafters looked like. But, just as too many computer programmers don't flow-chart their projects and end up paying a price or causing their customers to pay the price, so, too, failure to flow-chart this sort of regulation means that at some point the IRS, or its customers, we taxpayers, will pay the price.

The regulations then jump to the definition of a business entity, which primarily pushes trusts (and presumably estates) into their own special corner of the tax classification world. These regulations state: "a business entity is any entity recognized for federal tax purposes (including an entity with a single owner that may be disregarded as an entity separate from its owner) that is not ... a trust .. or otherwise subject to special treatment." Again, the use of the language is deficient. If the IRS wants to treat disregarded entities as a subset of recognized entities, which perhaps it is trying to do, it needs to use better phraseology. Otherwise, we end up with recognized entities that are disregarded.

This is the point at which the question, can sole proprietorships elect to be treated as corporations, runs aground. The rest of the regulations, which take business entities and provide for their treatment, don't impact on the specific question.

One argument that was made is that a sole proprietorship is an organization, because it is organized by a person as a means of doing business. In response, one argues that the sole proprietorship is simply an individual and that no separate organizational structure or procedures exist. Even so, under state law X can set up a sole proprietorship under a business name such as "X doing business as Arf's Biscuits." Is Arf's Biscuits an organization?

Another argument that was made is that if a sole proprietorship is not an organization, it can't be an entity as an undertaking or contractual arrangement because the definition requires that there be "participants" who divide the profits. A sole proprietorship has one participant and the profits are not divided.

Another argument was simply that nothing in the regulations states that a sole proprietorship cannot be an entity, or an organization, or a business entity. Of course, nothing in the regulations states that a sole proprietorship CAN be an entity, organization, or business entity.

To the same effect was an argument that referred to the Preamble to the regulations, which state that protective elections, made when there is uncertainty about status, are not prohibited. Of course, a protective election is simply that, a contingent protection that would fail if, in fact, the organization, entity, or other existence does not qualify to make the election.

I argued somewhat more obliquely. If a tenancy-in-common, "mere cownership" to use the technical phrase, cannot be an entity, can a tenancy-by-one's-self (a sole proprietorship) be an entity? The response is that joint ownership can be an entity, under the joint undertaking or contractual arrangement rule, if there is sufficient "activity" so why can't a sole proprietorship that engages in the same sort of activity rise to the level of an entity? The counter-response is the absence of participantS to divide the profits.

Another response to my argument brought an interesting twist. The regulations state "Mere co-ownership of property that is maintained, kept in
repair, and rented or leased does not constitute a separate entity for federal tax purposes. For example, if an individual owner, or tenants in common, of farm property lease it to a farmer for a cash rental or a share of the crops, they do not necessarily create a separate entity for federal tax purposes." This language suggests that an individual owners does not necessarily create a separate entity, but because it doesn't state that an individual owners can NEVER create a separate entity, it leaves open the possibility that an individual can create a separate entity in the form of a sole proprietorship.

Several cases were cited, including Williams v. McGowan, in which the court held that the sale of a sole proprietorship is the sale of the assets of the sole proprietorship and not the sale of a single business, or presumably, entity. Also pointed out was the Supreme Court's decision in Morrissey, suggesting that entities are limited to corporations, partnerships, and trusts, but the decision does not explicitly so state. And, of course, that sort of definition of entitly leaves out things not in existence when Morrissey was decided, such as the LLC, and it says nothing of estates, which surely are separate from their executors and beneficiaries (and are very similar to trusts for many purposes).

Some interesting arguments were raised on the basis of what would happen if a sole proprietorship were permitted to elect to be treated as a corporation for federal tax purposes. One, citing Braswell v US, asks if the individual would lose the right to raise, as a sole proprietor, the "act of production" privilege under the Fifth Amendment? Would profits retained by the individual generate dividends or interest? If the sole proprietor ceases doing business, is the corporation dissolved, with its attendant liquidation consequences? If not, would retention of interest-bearing accounts create a personal holding company?

Well, one enterprising participant in the discussion, sought a response from the IRS Email Tax Law Assistance. Having known this particular participant for many years, I'm not surprised that he took the initiative to find out what the IRS thinks. The short answer is that the IRS said, "No, a sole proprietorship cannot elect to be treated as a corporation."

The longer analysis is interesting. The IRS cited the regulations that apply to the definition of business entity, but not the regulations that deal with organizations and joint undertakings, which is where most of the discussion, and my analysis, turned its attention. The IRS stated "A business entity does not include a sole proprietorship not classified as a single owner entity disregarded from its owner (an LLC under state law). A sole proprietor is not an entity in and of itself thus, this election cannot be made." Of course, the cited regulations do NOT make this statement. The IRS also quoted the regulations that deal with the consequences of changing classification, but those, to me, provide nothing in the way of guidance.

So now we know what the IRS thinks. I agree with its position. But I don't think the IRS provided persuasive reasoning. The arguments raised by those discussing the question, on both sides, were far more cogent. Why not simply state, "A sole proprietorship is not an organization, and because it does not have more than one participant, it is not a joint undertaking. Accordingly, it is not an entity, and because it is not an entity it is not a business entity for which an election to be treated as a corporation is available."? Isn't that the gist of what the IRS wants to say?

I learned two other things from this discussion. Well, maybe I ought to say that two things I knew or suspected were reinforced. First, the active members of the ABA-TAX listserve can really get into a tax law discussion, of the quality and scope one likes to see from a law school class on a Blackboard virtual classroom discussion board. Second, things get said at CPE and CLE sessions that are flat out wrong, and risking intrusion into another topic, there's no supervision of what is said, and no evaluative mechanism to determine if those attending the sessions have learned anything. Of course, most CLE and CPE sessions are of high quality, and some attendees learn at least something, but there's more education experienced on the ABA-TAX listserve by its active participants and readers than happens for some people in some CLE and CPE sessions.

And, oh won't my students be so appreciative, that another examination question has crawled out of the many pages of discussion that traversed the ethernet during the past few weeks. The best part, for many, I suppose, was that I deliberately sat back and said nothing until near the end. I think some people thought I had email laryngitis. No such luck.

Monday, June 20, 2005

How Much Energy Does It Take? 

To make an even bigger mess of the tax code?

Here we go again. This time it's the ENERGY POLICY TAX INCENTIVES ACT OF 2005, which was approved by the Senate Finance Committee several days ago. Let's see what it does to the tax law:

* it adds a new investment tax credit to the energy credit, applicable to qualified projects that generate power using integrated gasification combined cycle and other advanced coal-based electricty generation technologies.

* it adds a new investment tax credit to the energy credit, applicable to qualified gasification projects, which are projects that convert coal, petroleum residue, biomass, or other materials recovered for their energy or feedstock value into a synthesis gas composed primarily of carbon monoxide and hydrogent for direct use or subsequent chemical or physical connversion.

* it adds a new investment tax credit to the energy credit applicable to clean coke/cogeneration manufacturing facilities.

* it provides a credit for non-business energy-efficient property, which consists of advanced main air circulating fan, a Tier 1 natural gas, propane, or oil water heater, and tier 2 energy-efficient building property used in a trade or business.

* it provides a credit for the purchase of combined heat and power property, the definition of which includes four conditions and an alternative.

* it provides a nonrefundable business energy credit for the cost of energy efficient appliances.

* it provides a personal tax credit for the purchase of qualified photovoltaic property and qualified solar water heating property used for purposes other than heating swimming pools and hot tubs.

* it provides a business energy credit for the purchase of qualified fuel cell power plants.

* it provides a credit for the purchase of new qualified fuel cell motor vehicles, new qualified hybrid motor vehicles, and new qualified alternative fuel motor vehicles, and the credit would reduce the existing deduction for qualified clean-fuel vehicles.

* it extends the nonrefundable business energy credit to include energy-efficient property installed in a qualified new energy-efficient home during construction by an eligible contractor.

* it creates a new category of tax credit bonds, namely, clean renewable energy bonds, .

* it creates a new category of tax credit bonds, namely, clean energy coal bonds.

* it provides for a temporary election to expense the cost of qualified refinery property.

* it provides a deduction for energy-efficient commercial building property expenditures made by the taxpayer, limited to $2.25 per square foot of property for which the expenditures are made.

* it provides a deduction for the purchase of qualified energy property, which consists of advanced main air circulating fan, a Tier 1 natural gas, propane, or oil water heater, and tier 2 energy-efficient building property used in a trade or business.

* it treats natural gas distribution lines as 15-year property for MACRS purposes.

* it repeals the phaseout of the electric vehicle credit, and increases the credit to varying amounts depending on the specific characteristics of the vehicle.

* it increases the clean-fuel vehicle refueling property credit, and changes certain definitions relating to that credit.

* it increases, from 10 to 30 percent, the credit for solar energy property.

* it modifies the enhanced oil recovery credit, increasing it for qualified projects that use certain carbon dioxide injections.

* it extends the electricity production credit to electricity produced at advanced nuclear power facilities.

* it extends and modifies the renewable electricity production credit, by postponing the sunset date by three years, and adding fuel cells as a qualifying energy resource.

* it postpones the sunsetting of the biodiesel fuel mixture credit.

* it eliminates the sunsetting of certain income exclusions for tax-exempt rural electric cooperatives, and modifies some other highly technical provisions dealing with those cooperatives.

* it creates an excise tax credit for alternative fuels, allowed against the excise tax on alternative fuels.

* it creates an excise tax credit for alternative fuel mixtures, allowed against the excise tax on alternative fuels.

* it permits independent electric transmission companies to use the 8-year ratable gain deferral provision applicable to sales of property used in providing electricity transmission when the proceeds are invested in exempt utility property.

* it provides for the passing through, by cooperatives to their patrons, the deduction for costs paid or incurred to comply with the Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control requirements.

By my count, there are 12 new income tax credits and 2 new excise tax credits, 6 modifications and expansions of existing credits, 3 credit sunset extensions, 3 new deductions, a deduction modification, and 2 other provisions. In the meantime, down the street, the Tax Reform Commission is studying ways to simplify the tax law and increase compliance. Up the street, Treasury and IRS struggle to find ways to deter taxpayers from manipulating complex code provisions to achieve goals not intended by the Congress, noting that the more provision are enacted, the more game-playing fields are opened to the tax shelter manipulators.

Is this any way to run an enterprise, whether a government, a private business, a charity, or any other institution?


Of course energy conservation and the discovery and development of new types of energy sources are activities critical to national defense, economic viability, and preservation of a culture that nurtures democracy and human rights. But is turning the tax law into a chemistry and engineering handbook the appropriate approach?


Notice how the credits are tailored to specific and narrow segments of subdivisions of the energy industry. It appears that, once again, lobbyists have had a field day. Where are tax credits for helping people purchase homes near their place of work, thus cutting down commuting time, which saves energy and reduces pollution. Where are the tax credits for teaching children not to leave the doors wide open in winter, or to teach people not to open a refrigerator in summer and stand there looking over the contents while debating their next move? Where are the tax credits for joining community swimming pools and closing down individual residential pools? Where are the tax credits for designing traffic light systems that don't keep cars waiting, getting zero miles per gallon, while invisible cars proceed on the cross street? Where are the tax credits for encouraging use of passenger trains, oh, wait, Congress is cutting Amtrak funding. Sorry.

Will the Congress authorize the hiring of dozens more Treasury and IRS employees to write the regulations and rulings required to interpret these dozens of new provisions? Will it pay for the hiring of IRS employees to develop the dozens of forms that will be required for these new provisions? Will it authorize the hiring of hundreds more IRS employees to audit the tax returns on which these credits and deductions are claimed? Will it fund programs to ferret out the tax shelter manipulators who will be offering various energy credit investment deals? I doubt it.

If the goal is to persuade individuals and businesses to engage in energy conservation and to develop new types of energy sources, why not let the market do its job? For example, when the price of gasoline reaches $6 a gallon, the demand for hybrid and other alternative fuel vehicles will soar, as demonstrated by the increased interest in hybrid automobiles as gasoline prices climbed over $2 a gallon. What's the point of giving a credit for something people would do on account of market conditions? If the concern is that some people would not be able to afford the purchase, and that a small credit would make the difference, why not operate a grant program for impoverished individuals through the Department of Energy? Well, the answer is that Congress apparently thinks that the IRS is the most efficient federal agency to operate energy and other grant programs disguised as tax credits. Yes, the same Congress that publicly bashes the IRS in order to "get" votes turns around and entrusts administration of its energy program to the IRS. Think about it.

As another example, when the cost of home heating oil and natural gas reaches comparably high prices, the incentive to shift to fuel-efficient appliances and fuel-conserving behavior will increase. Again, if there is a concern with the plight of those unable to afford new heaters and appliances, set up a grant program. After all, of what use is a tax credit, unless it is refundable, to someone with so little income that they don't have tax liability against which to set the credit. Note that, as best I can tell, only one of the credits is refundable.

The notion that American businesses and individuals will conserve energy and switch to more efficient, less expensive forms of energy only if bribed with tax credits is appalling. If that is indeed the case, it speaks volumes about a nation that perhaps is narrow-minded and short-sighted. And if Americans won't otherwise act in energy-wise ways, then it's time to enact laws dictating that they do so. Americans should be expected to do what is right, even if laws need to be enacted to tell us what is right. But to rely on tax incentives to get people to do what they ought to be doing, and very well might already be doing, is wrong. Very wrong. After all, what's next, a tax credit for stopping at stop signs? A tax credit for owning a gun and going a full year without shooting someone out of anger or revenge? A tax credit for eating broccoli? As sarcastic as these questions may appear, it would not be a surprise to see another several dozen lifestyle credits enter the Code next year, another several dozen neighborly behavior tax credits enter the Code the year after that, and for the entire system to become the playground of the monied special interest groups who have no sense or understanding beyond their own little worlds. And if the nation succumbs to being controlled by these narrow-minded and short-sighted special interest groups, it will make the tax code mess one of the lesser concerns of the citizenry.

So what happens when the Tax Reform Commission comes in with a proposal to simplify things, assuming that it will do so. And I think it will do so, if for no reason other than to rack up PR points for the Administration. Can this addicted-to-lobbyists Congress resist the temptation to desimplify the proposal? I doubt it.

Watching Congress turn the tax law into a bureaucratic, inefficient, compliance-deterring nightmare is distressing, frustrating, and frightening. At least, for me, it is. I suppose it's not yet that way for enough other folks for it to matter. Congress, after all, won't stop until it is told to stop. Why else should it stop? That's where the frightening part comes in. Think about it.

Friday, June 17, 2005

More on Skyrocketing Housing Prices 

My post the other day about skyrocketing housing prices brought some interesting comments from several tax law professors across the nation. Without unveiling their identities to the world, they collectively made these suggestions:

** The cause is twofold: low interest rates and a worldwide glut of capital.

** It's not a phenomenon limited to the U.S.; housing prices are skyrocketing in much of the world.

** Population increase is indeed a factor.

** Consider Mark Twain's (or Will Rogers') comment on investing in land because they aren't making any more of it, but also consider that there are separate land markets for farm, seasides, and residential development, the last of which has been increasing.

** To some extent wetlands preservation limits land supply.

** Housing markets rest on what new home sellers can command in the market, and they price new homes by capitalizing the stream of montly mortgage payments that the purchaser can afford.

** Even though the home mortgage interest deduction has the effect of reducing the buyer's monthly payment, becasuse it increases what the buyer can pay, it contributes to a higher asking price by the seller, and thus subsidizes sellers, and, to the extent they increase interest rates to reflect the deduction, banks.

** The combination of low interest rates and zero-principal, interest-only mortgages is drawing many renters into the home purchase market.

** The $5,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers in the District of Columbia has had an impact.

** Increases in the cost of lumber and other building materials is contributing to the increase in home prices.

I had forgotten about the D.C. first-time homebuyers credit, and although it has very little impact on housing prices throughout the nation, it is an interesting example of government interference in the markets. Is the credit still necessary now that D.C. residential real estate has become much more attractive?

It's not just wetlands preservation that limits land supply. It's preservation of forests, open areas, historic properties such as battlefields, and any other building restriction that limits what an owner can do with the land, if it means fewer or no residential units being built on it.

Even though the cost of building materials affects chiefly new home construction, when new home prices rise, the cost of used homes will follow. This happens because potential buyers of the new homes who are priced out of the market or who cannot find a suitable new property will turn to the used home market, where prices generally lag behind new home prices by a few percent.

Interestingly, there is much concern that farmland is decreasing because of the "intrusion" of housing developments as population growth pushes out the boundaries of urban and suburban areas. If a disruption in global trade required America to increase its domestic food production, would there be enough farm land? Even though America exports food, such as grain, it also imports food, such as fruit from the Southern Hemisphere when the growing season in much of the continental United States has ended. Ultimately, there is a finite limit on how many people the continent and the planet can support. And one principal reason is the finite amount of usable land.

Home prices are highest in areas that are most desirable. Thus, housing prices on the two coasts lead the way. Clearly this reflects the demand side, as the portion of the country's population living within 200 miles of either ocean continues to grow. As small town after small town in the heartland closes up shop, will the D.C. homebuyer credit be expanded to cover those areas? Assuming, of course, that policy makers should, and do decide to, try influencing home purchasing decisions. Although one response, that people move to where the jobs are, makes sense, isn't that offset by the opportunity to telecommute? We know that people are telecommuting, as the tax tribulations of one particular telecommuter has been highlighted in several earlier posts (here, here, and here).

The zero-principal, interest-only mortgage surely is a factor, and some reports claim that anywhere from one-fourth to one-third, and even one-half, of new mortgage loans written during the past few months are this type of mortgage. The attraction to the buyer is the ability to take out a higher loan for the same monthly payment. But in the long-run, the zero-principal, interest-only mortgage is more expensive. Jeff Brown had a good explanation of why this is so in his Philadelphia Inquirer column yesterday. He's the one, incidentally, who noted that the proportion is as high as 50% of recent mortgage loans.

Much of the discussion about the skyrocketing housing prices has been a concern that there is a bubble that is going to pop. If that happens, there will be foreclosures, so we're told, on a scale similar to that during the Great Depression. Lenders will end up holding properties whose values are tumbling. Evicted homeowners will be flooding the rental market, or moving in with parents or other relatives. Will this happen? Is there a bubble? Andy Cassel, in today's Philadelphia Inquirer column, asks that very question, and in the style of a good law teacher, presents information and leaves the rest of the analysis and the reaching of a conclusion to his readers. He points out that household monthly debt service payments, as a percentage of household income, has remained steady since 1980. But he also points out that household debt has doubled. Andy notes that the "it's a bubble and will burst soon" cry has been with us now for quite a while, and yet new home construction and existing home sales continue to climb, and are on the verge of setting yet another record.

I worry about two things. First, because property taxes are based on home value, people on fixed incomes are going to be hit with yet another round of increased property taxes, unless localities scale back the millage rates. That's unlikely, because local governments, particularly school districts, are under all sorts of financial pressures as they struggle to comply with all the federal and other mandates specifying the long list of services that they must provide.

Second, if the geniuses who make national tax and economic policy start fiddling with the tax law to "control" housing prices, the fallout might not be limited to another stack of Internal Revenue Code pages filled with hyperlexic regulation. The fallout might be an overcorrection, or a dampening effect, that causes the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater. (Yes, nice (sarcasm) expression, but did it ever really happen???). I noted this concern in my Wednesday post, and Andy Cassel makes a similar point, namely, if the escalating prices are generating an even bigger bubble, "then it makes sense for government to try somehow to correct them" but if the home market is a rational reflection of supply and demand, "then government is likely to do more harm than good by stepping in." Considering the government's track record using the tax code to "step in" the ideal of using the tax code to tinker with the housing market is alarming.

One last question: So who is it that has all this excess capital available for infusion into the housing market? Home buyers? Surely not the ones, who like my former student Nakul and his wife, are experiencing sticker shock. How many people in this country have excess capital on their hands? Even though 75% of households own their homes, I truly doubt that 75% of Americans have excess capital. My guess is that the excess capital is being funneled into mortgages, marketed with an enticing "interest only" feature that in the long-run will, following Jeff Brown's analysis, shift even more wealth into the hands of those with the excess capital. Unless, of course, home prices continue to escalate. And if they do, at what point does the "interest only" feature fail to bring in new buyers?

This is going to remain a most interesting story to follow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Home Price Sticker Shock 

One of my former students, Nakul Krishnakumar, whose comments on previous postings have found their way to the MauledAgain blog on two occasions (and here), pointed me to an article in Capitalism Magazine about the causes of escalating housing prices. Nakul and his wife are experiencing sticker-shock first hand, as they set about house hunting and moving forward from Nakul's graduation last month. As a more passive observer, I'm not unaware of the significant increases in recent sales of homes throughout the area, but they don't have the same impact that they would had I been out shopping.

The point of the article, by Thomas Sowell, is that government intervention has caused the increase, bringing to an end, at least for the moment, an era of affordable housing attributed to the free market system. Sowell suggests that the passage of laws that restrict building, impose time-consuming review procedures, and subject home construction to planning commission review contribute significantly to the price increases. Sowell is particularly bothered by the fact that most of the people who vote for these types of laws already own homes and won't be paying higher home prices. True, at least until they move. Considering Americans move every seven years, on average, it is likely that a sizeable number of the voters Sowell describes will eventually get to write a check of some significant amount. Likely, but not certain. After all, there's more than a wee bit of a lottery characteristic in the home market.

Sowell points out that land is the biggest cost. He writes about prices in the San Francisco area, where average home prices have reached one million dollars. Though most other areas haven't reached that level, in every community I have lived or about which I have read, land is the biggest cost. Why? Aside from some minor reclamation projects, land pretty much is a known, finite resource. Oil is finite, but no one knows how much exists. But we know how much land, and buildable land, exists. We have maps. Supply and demand affect land. Sowell focuses on the supply side, pointing out that as more land is zoned off-limits to home construction, land prices will increase. He dismisses the impact of the demand side, claiming that overpopulation isn't a factor. His proof is that the population of San Mateo County, for example, declined by 9,000 people during a four-year period while housing prices rose. That, however, proves nothing. It isn't population, per se, but household quantity and size. If, over a period of time, 50,000 homes occupied by 5-person households are put on the market, and 80,000 3-person households seek to acquire homes, home prices will rise even though when all is said and done the population of the market has declined. I don't disagree that restricting supply drives up prices, but I think it is only a piece of the puzzle. Whether the supply should be restricted is a serious question, because American taxpayers and consumers are getting tired of paying taxes and insurance premiums that eventually are used to rebuild, yet again, a home built on a barrier island, a mudslide-prone hill, or in a wildfire-ready thicket.

There are two other factors to consider. One is the purpose for which homes are being purchased. The other is, of course, taxes.

What little data exists suggests that the number of people who are purchasing homes primarily as investments rather than as residences, including the number of homes purchased by buyers who have no plans to occupy the structure, is increasing as a percentage of home buyers. Consider this quote from John McLaughlin two years ago: "But in point of fact, investors have not lost confidence; they are investing. They're investing in houses like you, Pat, who own several houses -- many houses, I might say." There are all sorts of books touting housing as an investment safer and more profitable than the stock market, such as this one and this one, to mention two picked randomly from a flood of such publications. There is no doubt that the entry of investors into the housing market has a demand-side impact on prices. If, and when, those investors leave, housing prices will fall. Will they crash? Perhaps not, because other demand-side pressures could continue.

The tax question is whether the tax law fuels, dampens, or has no effect on the home price surge. Without doing empirical research, I'm going out on a limb by suggesting that current tax laws nourish the increases but aren't the primary cause. Here is why I reach this conclusion.

First, the tax law favors investments that generate capital gains and dividends, rather than investments that generate interest. In recent years, tax rates on capital gains and dividends have been significantly reduced, and reductions in other tax rates pale in comparison. This rate difference makes a house a more attractive investment, from a tax perspective, than is an investment in a mortgage. The tax law appears to be neutral in terms of rate differentiation when it comes to the stock market and housing, because both would generate capital gains if the investment is successful. To the extent, though, that the recent reduction of tax rates on dividends has driven money out of interest-paying investments, it contributes to the infusion of investment money in the housing market even though the tax law is not responsible for investor wariness about the stock market.

Second, the limitation on the amount of gain that can be excluded from gross income on the sale of a residence, and its availability every two years, might, and I emphasize, might, encourage a sort of churning by young, especially childless investor-residents, who move from property to property to extract the gains while they are under the $250,000 (or $500,000) cap. This practice was not unheard of years ago when the tax law permitted total gain deferral, as the facts of a few cases involving badly planned and poorly timed relocation indicate. Why go for one $250,000 exclusion over 10 years when moving five times during that period makes it possible to exclude as much as $1,250,000, especially if the taxpayer is childless and not burdened with several moving vans' worth of possessions? It is, after all, as those books point out, a matter of timing and location. That's true of much of life, but I won't go there now.

The bigger questions, though, are the interesting ones. How long until some vote-seeking member of Congress decides that it would make sense to use the tax law to curtail home price increases, or to offset the impact on those shut out of the market because of the increase in demand, coupled with the supply decreases? What sort of proposal would be made? Some sort of credit? Disincentives to the purchase of housing as an investment? Lengthening of the two-year period applicable to the residence sale gain exclusion?

The final questions, though, are the scary ones and surely more important and larger than the tax issues. Will the phenomenon of rapid and substantial price increases that have afflicted the housing market, due to a combination of demand-side pressures, supply-side shortages, and questionable government tax and other policies interacting with a finite resource, land, not only afflict another finite resource,oil (and its products), but yet another finite resource, clean water? Or some other finite resource, such as clean air? Or some other life-critical substance? Aren't those, too, subject to a combination of demand-side pressures, supply-side shortages, and questionable government tax and other policies? Toss in the renewable resources that require a long time to renew (rain forests, deep sea fish schools, lumber, and the like), and the picture becomes quite ugly. It is not without careful reasoning that some suggest the next, and most devastating, world war will involve water. The recent oil, concrete, steel, lumber, and housing market experiences could be very instructive.

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