
Monday, June 10, 2024

More Attempts to Squash the IRS and the 98 Percent 

The Republican Party continues in its efforts to reduce taxes paid by wealthy individuals and large corporations. One tactic is marketing tax cuts for the wealthy as tax cuts for people of low and moderate income. Another tactic is to restrict the ability of the IRS to audit wealthy individuals and large corporations.

According to many sources, including this report, the most recent maneuver in this attempt to put more money in the pockets of the wealthy is legislation that would cut the IRS budget by 18 percent. Most of the cut would affect IRS enforcement spending. At the moment, the legislation has no chance of being enacted, but that will change in 2025 if Republicans manage to take control of Congress and the White House.

This is far from the first time I have written about the efforts of wealthy individuals to escape taxation. In Cutting Off the Tax Revenue Nose to Spite a Political Face, I explained how similar legislation was introduced last year was defended on the false claim that the IRS focuses its enforcement efforts on taxpayers with less than $400,000 of annual income. This claim is intended to rally support among those who, if they understood what is happening, would vote overwhelmingly to remove from office these friends of the wealthy. In a previous commentary, Fear Mongering, Tax Style, I explained why that claim, and the claim that the IRS would hire nearly 100,000 new auditors, were lies, and why they find “fertile ground in the hearts and minds of those who react quickly to emotions and fail for one reason or another to think critically and dissect the absurdity of the claims.”

I’ve previously pointed out how Republicans plan to offset some of the revenue loss created by their intended shrinkage of the IRS and gifting of more tax breaks to the wealthy. They plan to go after Social Security and Medicare. In January the same crew that is trying to cut the IRS enforcement budget pushed through another doomed effort, that is, doomed until and unless Republicans take control in 2025, to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, in the enticingly but deceptively named Fiscal Commission Act.

It continues to amaze me how so many people will vote for candidates who plan to support legislation that works to the detriment of most of their supporters. Will they ever learn?

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